Monday, 19 November 2012

Like a Phoenix...

...or more like a lazy hibernating bear, I am posting on my blog again, six months to the day that I stopped.

It's tentative, an experiment to see if I can still manage it, and I have no idea how many of my old friends and followers will still be following and reading, but let's see. It's partly just for me anyway :-).

I had to take a break. I thought it was so that we could property hunt, but 1) we still haven't found anywhere and 2) it's more like I needed to just step away and have a clear enough mind to rethink things. Craft things, and how they will fit into my life from now and into the future. And I feel like I've gotten somewhere.

For example, I'm going to be taking some classes in the new year - learning new skills, broadening my talent. And, in response to local demand, despite my lack of activity on the scene, I've set up a platform which I hope will be the solution to an online shop, after a few wayward attempts elsewhere: on my facebook page, of all places.

And so, I hope you are all well, and happy. I have been watching a little the developments on some of your blogs, but since I really needed to step away, I confess I've not been as regular a reader as I once was. If you're still out there, still reading me, drop a comment in below and let me know how you are, and I'll see you soon on your blog.

It's good to be back...