Thursday, 20 October 2011

The One Hundred

Have you ever expected something to be a really momentous occasion, and then realise that it totally passed you by?

I recently hit 100 followers on this here blog, and in the flurry of the True XOXO blog hop, I didn't even mention it. So here's to Christa (follower number 100) and everyone else for making me feel special and all warm and fuzzy inside.

Thank you to each and every one of you - loyal commenters, silent readers, shy sometimers, occasional dip-inners, and those who are too busy to do much at all. From the bottom of my heart, I am grateful and flattered at the way this blog has turned out - because of you. I am guilty myself of letting things slip, only sometimes skim-reading what I should instead eagerly jump on, even of neglecting those things I truly want to read and comment on but in reality look at the clock when everything else is done and see that it says 'bedtime'. I know it's hard to keep up in this environment of ever-increasing social platforms (I'm struggling, for sure). So, thank you all for being you and keeping my blog alive with your comments that make me laugh, think, want to have a conversation with you, send me off to look at your blog, inspire and more.

Now, I had planned a giveaway to mark this grand event, but I have been in a state of disorganisation lately, one that I am finding it hard to shake off. So, instead, I am going to share with you a few ideas for the future of my blog, and ask for your thoughts in return. And to one of those thoughts' owners, I will send a little handmade something to brighten their day and make them revel in the amazingness that is the online crafting community.

Before the year is out, I'd like to:
  • revamp the design of the blog
  • tell you more about my creative process - what happens before and around a creation
  • include more tutorials
Please let me know if you agree or disagree with any of these, or if you want to see more or less of something here, or if there is something else not here that you'd like to see more or less of. I'd like to work to make this blog more readable for you, the readers. What piques your interest, whets your appetite, gets your creative juices flowing?


  1. 100 followers is brilliant - here's to the next 100 (at least..)

    Re blog design - do it for yourself and not because you think your followers will like it. When I redid mine, I got comments along the lines of "I liked it better before", but I stuck with my new design because I liked it and I don't think anyone stopped reading! I think people are frightened of change

  2. Congratulations on reaching 100 followers, that's great. More detailed tutorials, is what I would like, the one thing I don't like about your blog is the brown background and the grey strip for the news and comments! but that is just me, other than that it is fine!

  3. Congrats on that number of followers.I agree with Sian about blog it for yourself...and I always like tutorials.

  4. 100 followers - congratulations!
    I also agree with Sian. I believe in authenticity and believe you should follow your instinct rather than what other people might say/want. So, in answer to your question, which contradicts my last comment, I also like tutorials!
    And only redesign your blog if that's something you feel you'd like to do.

  5. Yaaaaaaaaaayy hananabanana :) I'm in a silly mood ;)
    All i can say is that it is your blog sunshine and you do what you what with it...and write what you have seen and read the kak on my blog haven't you? ;)

  6. Woohoo! Congrats on 100 readers! I love tutorials and seeing scrappy work, but you need to do what's best for you. Good luck with your blog redo!

  7. OOo congratulations!!! The same thing happened to me and I still have to write that thank you post- you did the right thing. LOVE that thank you gold cauldron card!
    I think doing all 3 would be great- "the process' posts are fascinating.

  8. Congrats to you, exciting!

    I think all of your ideas are GREAT and can only help continue your blogs success! Posting the entire creative process would be fantastic, I am a BIG FAN of that!
