Once upon a time I vowed to make
a postcard a week during 2011.
January saw me super-motivated; February saw me fuzzy-headed but plodding on; but March rolled around and the postcard making ground to a halt under the pressure of putting together wedding invitations, having a stall at a craft fair, and trying to live amongst increasingly high piles of scrappy mess.
Ridiculous, then, it may seem, that I've taken on another challenge - 'ABCs of Me' over at
Scrapbook Challenges - but never fear, it's only for one or two letters. Hmmm, that sounds like cheating. I rather like to think of it as participating as much as I can and sharing what I have to share.
So, my challenge is this: we're on letter K. I've chosen the word KITCHEN as I have a love-hate relationship with kitchens. They are my favourite place, but I'm never happy with the one I have. I work in my kitchen (the table is my study) as it is bright with a high ceiling, and has a peacefully bubbling fish bowl in one corner and a dog in the other. The windowsill is lined with plants and herbs and flowers, and there are lots of trinkets and crafty things lying around. Yet, it is not, and cannot ever become, my dream kitchen. My dream kitchen has a bigger table, a view over a garden, red gingham, a fish bowl a dog AND a cat in the corners, and lots more besides. This is my layout with the invisible title (invisible because there was just nowhere to fit it in the end) 'Dreaming of a Country Kitchen'.

If you're joining in, you must scrap something about the relationship between you and your kitchen - how it makes you feel, how you wish it was, if it's a happy place and the heart of the home, or whether you long to be free from it. A plethora of emotions might spring up from this seemingly banal subject, but that's what I'd like to stimulate in those playing along. Oh, and as always there needs to be a twist. The twist for this challenge is... no photos. Not one. Not even a teeeeny tiny one!
Some close-ups of the page:
The challenge will be up very soon on
Scrapbook Challenges - in the meantime go take a look at the previous 'ABCs of Me' challenges. You might want to get involved!